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Monday, February 06, 2006
  The World Can't Wait Protest in Washington
News reports state that there were between 1000 and 2000 protesters at the World Can't Wait to Drive out the Bush Regime protest in Washington. Another source told me that there were about 4000. It certainly seemed to me that there were a lot more than 2000. In any case the turn out was disappointing to those of us who feel passionately about what the "Disgrace on the Presidency" has done to undermine and subvert our Constitutional Democracy and to defile the American flag that symbolizes all of our shared American ideals. There should be millions of people in the street. There were 4000. This is our country. This is our flag. We must fight to protect it. Where were you? Why weren't you marching with us?

We must fight to force Bush II to accept the rule of law...
to accept that he must not spy on Americans
without Constitutionally mandated oversight
from the Congress and the Judiciary.
Under the evil genius Karl Rove, the Bush Regime has became superb propagandists. They have used demonstrably misleading, false, repetitious, "proto-fascist big lie" style talking points to confuse many Americans into believing that we must chose between being tough on terrorists and protecting our Constitutional Fourth Amendment rights against being spied on without a warrant... without judicial oversight... without any checks on unbridled executive authority. The FISA Court would allow everything that Bush claims that he is doing, so, why does he want to set himself above the law, and claim this excessive, and unconstitutional executive power for the Presidency? Does he want to be King?
For the sake of argument, lets ( you) assume the very best. Assume that Bush really does just want this power in order to protect us from terrorists. Assume that he will not use this excessive Unconstitutional power to spy on political rivals, and use the information to political advantage, there by undermining our Constitutional Democracy. Assume that he will not use this excessive Unconstitutional power to spy on journalists in order to get advance warning of negative news stories so that he can be prepared to lie and politically spin the situation, there by undermining our Constitutional Democracy. Assume, if you must, that Bush will not use this massive Unconstitutional executive power to spy on powerful politicians, Supreme Court Justices, Journalists, high government and military officials, and business leaders, in an effort to find embarrassing or incriminating evidence that he could use to black mail them, there by undermining our Constitutional Democracy. Go ahead... you naive and foolish Republican... make all of these foolish and dangerous assumptions... fool... "Power corrupts." Excessive power corrupts excessively. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Bush probably is abusing this power... but even assuming that he is not abusing this power... Once this awesome, massive, unbalanced, excessive, Unconstitutional power is successfully gathered into the Presidency, do you really want to trust that some future President - like maybe Hillary - will not abuse this power... you idiot Republican... Do you really want to trust Hillary with that kind of power? I am a Democrat, but it would scare the bahgeebees out of me to think of Hillary or any other Democratic President having that kind of power - with no Judicial oversight - with no Congressional oversight - with absolutely no checks and balances... Bush is probably abusing this power, but if he is not, some future President will... some Republican... some Democrat... The power will be abused. Our Constitutional Democracy is hanging by a frayed thread. Are you Republicans daft? I say again... Where were you? Why weren't you marching in the streets with us?
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