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Tuesday, February 07, 2006
  More recent Additions to Rays Brief Dictionary of Political Buzz Words
Democrat (Dĕm-mŏk΄-krăt) verb. Street slang. 1.) Meaning to run a weak Presidential campaign. noun. Republican Meanings: 1.) Godless tree hugging queer. 2.) Godless anti-American fag. 3.) Godless nigger loving gay guy. 4.) Godless pro-terrorist homosexual. 5.) Godless liberal, lesbo loving, sissy boy. The Democratic Meaning: 6.) A person with the traditional American values of equality, liberty, diversity, civil liberties, environmental stewardship of God’s green earth, and fighting for the poor and disenfranchised against the overwhelming power of the rich and privileged elite.

Defense (Dē΄-fĕnss) noun. 1.) Justification for the military / industrial complex.

Defense Intelligence (Dē΄-fĕnss Ĭn΄-tĕl-ǐ-gĕnss) noun. 1.) A well thought out military campaign involving the use of enough troops to maintain stability after victory is complete. 2.) Sending troops into combat with adequate armor. 3.) Torturing Arabs so that they no longer even know what the truth is, and will tell us whatever they think that we want to hear. 4.) Drawing pictures of fictional mobile bio-weapons labs on semi-trucks. 5.) Warrant-less spying on American enemies of His Highness President George Bush the Second. 6.) Really cool little remote controlled planes with big assed missiles.

Department of Justice (Dē-părt΄-mĕnt ŏv Jăs-tǐss΄) noun. 1.) An important department in the U.S. government charged with the responsibility of finding legal justification for subverting the Constitution of the United States of America by legalizing torture and illegal wiretaps.

Diplomacy (Dǐ-plōm΄-ă-sēē) noun. 1.) Refering to something that the U.S. no longer does since we allowed an idiot jackass gun slingin Texan to shoot his way into the Whitehouse - mind you - a gun slingin Texan would be fine – but the idiot jackass has to go. 2.) A process of finding and working cooperatively with international partners to achieve national objectives - but it really is “hard work” – so George Bush does not like it. 3.) A fun pastime in the Whitehouse involving the treasonous “outing” of the undercover CIA wives of diplomats.

Dissembling (Dǐs-sĕm-blǐng΄) transitive verb. 1.) Politician talking to voters.

Dynasty (Dī-năstē΄) noun. 1.) American meaning. A group of Kings… er… Presidents from the same family line. 2.) The Bush family. 3.) The Clinton family? 4.) The Kennedy family – by the way - I might be a distant kissin cousin – on my sister / Mom’s side.
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