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Sunday, February 19, 2006
  A little more of Ray's Brief Dictionary of Political Buzz words and Phrases

Estate Tax (Ĕstāt΄ Tăx) noun. 1.) The fair tax levied against the rich for the explicit purpose of leveling the playing field from one generation to the next and preventing the establishment of virtual Royalty in the United States of America. As in: America is the land of opportunity and someone who has the privilege of becoming rich should pay an estate tax, thereby donating much of their riches back to the public good when they die, and allow their children to become rich the old fashioned way – by working for it.

Ethics (Ĕth-ēēks΄) Adjective. 1.) An archaic term describing something that has not existed in the Whitehouse for over fifty years. 2.) A class that President George Bush the Second has ordered taught, in order to restore honor and dignity to the Royal Court… er… um… Whitehouse… 3.) Core traditional Republican values. 4.) Core traditional Democratic values. 5.) Doing “not just what is legal” but “doing what is right”. 6.) The types of political processes used by President George Bush to advance the administration’s agenda. As in: We got values – you see. 7.) The opposite of Karl Rove. 8.) The opposite of Dick Cheney. 9.) The opposite of… Oh… you get the point.

Extremist (Ĕx-trēm΄-ǐstss) noun. 1.) The other guy. 2.) Republican. 3.) Democrat. 4.) Pat Robertson. 5.) Dick Cheney. 6.) Donald Rumsfeld. 7.)Osama bin Laden 8.) Me.

Fag (Făg) See Karl Rove Adjective. 1.) A derogatory term used by homo-phobes (see Republican) to describe Godless hordes of homosexual men (see Democrat) that threaten to overwhelm the American way of life (see missionary position).

Hi Ray
these are handy terms. feel free to use any of terms or expressions you find in my comments. Some liked the phrase wearing your body as a hat. Others liked cough while pulling down on your ear to cure that.
hi again
looked at some of what I wrote the other day and must confess I was a little short with some of the other posters. Not something I usually do. Just some times the ongoing stupidity just makes me snap, which is why I decided to clarify some of the facts of the war on terror and its' lack of any conclusion in our lifetime.
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