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Saturday, January 14, 2006
  Ray's Brief Dictionary of Political Buzz Words
I am just getting started here. I hope that I am able to find the time to keep this up. For now, I will just cut and paste a couple of excerpts from Ray's Brief Dictionary:

A few bad apples (Ā fĕw băd΄ ăp΄-plès). noun. Synonymous with “Whitehouse officials”. As in: A few bad apples in the Whitehouse blamed low ranking soldiers in Abu Ghireb, Gitmo, Afghanistan, and CIA Black Sites for actually doing the things that were suggested in countless Whitehouse memos.

Affirmative Action (Ăf-fǐrm-ă΄-tǐv Ăkt΄-shŭn) Noun. 1.) Preemptive war. As in: George Bush took the affirmative action of spending over 300 billion dollars and conquering a weak Arab Nation which was ruled by a despotic secular dictator who obviously would never have trusted or cooperated with fanatical fundamentalist religious extremist – but it is A OK – most of the money went to Halliburton through no bid contracts see no bid contracts. 2.) The behavior of yes men in the administration of George the Second. As in: Top Whitehouse officials take the affirmative action of telling George Bush exactly what he wants to hear. 3.) The willful production of a false budget crisis. As in: George Bush took the affirmative action of cutting taxes for the rich with the intention of creating budget shortages so that he could have an excuse to cut vital services to the poor, elderly, and needy. 4.) The active creation of prewar intelligence. As in: The administration of George Bush took the affirmative action of cherry picking intelligence from highly dubious sources in order to make the case for war. 5.) The act of saving social security. As in George Bush took the affirmative action of pretending to try to save social security, while in point of fact, trying to privatize and destroy it, there by creating yet one more huge boondoggle for the rich… the rich who would have profited from the initial influx of capital into the stock market there by driving stock prices through the roof… the rich who would have profited again by buying up all of the cheap stocks after the stock market went back down when all of the baby boomers had to sell their stock at they same time… and the rich who also would have profited from all of the transaction fees in both directions… and the rich who would have profited by not having to help pay the baby boomers their social security that the baby boomers have worked their whole life to earn… and the rich who have already profited from the huge tax breaks that they were given - which just coincidentally - happened to be exactly equal to the excess social security payroll taxes that the baby boomers were paying into the general fund before they retire… so… George Bush wanted to act like he was saving social security. 6.) An archaic term referring to well intentioned, but naïve liberal attempts to arbitrarily achieve the American ideal of equality. 7.) Illegally money laundering corporate money through the Republican National Committee in order to subvert Texan State law. As in Tom Delay took the affirmative action of laundering corporate money through the R.N.C. in order to subvert democracy in Texas so that he could gerrymander Texas and subvert democracy in the U.S.A. Unfortunately he got the idea to gerrymander Texas from the Democrats who did it first. (see: Fool me once and ah… ah… as they say in Texas… ah… ah… two wrongs will make a lot of Republicans rich.)

American Way of Life (Ă-mĕr-ē΄-kăn Wā ŏv Līf) See Missionary Position... noun. 1.) (Republican meaning). The name of a particular sexually inhibited position for coitus. 2.) A collection of values – including; freedom, liberty, justice, equality and the rule of law, which are characteristic of American ideals and beliefs – but unfortunately not characteristic of American reality. 3.) A commitment to a liberal democratic form of government (liberal democratic form of government not a conservative democratic form of government). 4.) The holy dollar. 5.) The creation of political instability in the mid-east in order to drive oil prices and oil company profits through the roof. 6.) Sitting in traffic jams inside of big off-road SUVs. 7.) Orwellian speak, meaning an oligarchy of the rich and powerful manipulating the American people through so called cultural issues and the fear of terrorism, there by running American politics for their own profit and purpose. 8.) Being blessed to live in freedom and prosperity.

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