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Saturday, January 21, 2006
  Osama's Alive... or is he?
Just a few words on this Osama tape. I don't have nearly enough time to fully articulate my thoughts. But... No doubt you already know that the tape has been validated as authentic and is thought to have been made recently because Osama says:
"In response to the substance of the polls in the U.S., which indicate that Americans do not want to fight Muslims on Muslim land, nor do they want Muslims to fight them on their land, we do not mind offering a long-term truce based on just conditions that we will stick to".

It is possible, as others have pointed out that Osama could have made many permutations of tapes in the past allowing for different possible future developments. In that way tapes could be periodically released even after he is dead. So the tape does not prove that he is even still alive.

I find interesting that every time Bush the Second gets into trouble another Osama tape surfaces. Why is that? A number possibilities come to mind - some of which are wild eyed conspiracy theories - some are not so wild. First, it is clear that Bush the Second A.K.A. "The Disgrace on the Presidency" is the prime beneficiary of these tapes. The last tape was released just before the election in 2004. Since Bush II was incorrectly perceived as being strong on national security, the release of a tape that increased people's security concerns was to Bush's political advantage, and probably put him over the top in the close election. Now, Bush is in trouble over illegally spying on Americans. Another tape that has the effect of terrorizing Americans can only have the effect of making them more willing to sacrifice their privacy and civil liberties in exchange for security. And... low and behold, at the most opportune time for Bush, another tape appears... Strange... uncanny... isn't it? How? Why?

One possibility is that Osama is stupid and does not anticipate the effect that these tapes will have. Osama does not seem stupid - but maybe.

The Second possibility is that Osama needs to release tapes periodically in order to rally the troops, and that he simply can't find a better time to release the tape, because any time that he releases the tape, will play to "The Disgrace's" advantage. That possibility just does not hold water. For example, Osama could have released the first tape right after Bush got re-elected in that way there would have been no "danger" of helping Bush get re-elected and it would have undermined Bush's efforts to gut Social Security. So, it is clear, that if Osama wanted to hurt Bush there are better times to have released the tapes.

The third, somewhat wild eyed possibility is that "The Disgrace" has actually captured or killed the baby killer Osama, and has either forced Osama to make some new tapes or captured a library of tape permutations as mentioned above, and is releasing them at times that are politically opportune for Bush II. That makes some sense - except if Bush had actually captured or killed Osama, it would be a big feather in his cap - it seems that he would want to brag about it. You can develop a conspiracy theory where he would not - Osama is a big hole card for Bush - why play it - but it seems a bit of a stretch.

Bush could have faked a tape - but Osama could then produce a real tape and expose Bush - so this seems unlikely - unless "The Disgrace Bush" is pretty sure that Osama is dead but can't prove it enough to be able to take advantage of it. This seems unlikely - too many holes.

So, the possibility that makes the most sense to me, is that Osama or his successors, who possess a library of tape permutations as mentioned above, have released the tape with the intention of helping Bush. Why would they want to help Bush? It is quite simple. They know that Bush is the best thing that ever happened to them. Under "The Idiot's"... er... I mean "The Disgrace's" leadership tens of millions of Muslims have shifted form simply hating the United States into wanting to become terrorists and actively join the Jihad against the Uuited States. Under Bush's "leadership" thousands of Jihadists have traveled to Afghanistan and Iraq and have received the "priceless" gift of live combat training against the most powerful army in the world. Of coarse most of them will die - but a baby killing terrorist like Osama does not care about that - the ones who survive in the face of the U.S. Military - will - to use Bush style Orwellian speak - the ones who survive in the face of the U.S. Military will be double plus tough - live combat trained - battle seasoned. And tens of millions of others have and will join the cause. They will provide money, safe houses, networks, documents, war materials... George Bush is the best wet dream Osama bin Laden ever had.
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