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Sunday, January 15, 2006
  More of Rays Brief Dictionary and a word about Alito
First Alito. The Democrats should filibuster him if they have a chance of defeating him and forcing a more moderate nominee, otherwise, they should just keep their powder dry. So why, you might ask do I think that Alito is so bad?

He did not answer questions openly and directly at the confirmation hearings and it is clear that he outright lied about his long time membership in a racist / sexist organization. How could a man with such an exhaustive memory conveniently forget that he paid dues to a racist / sexist organization for 14 years. The result of his hedging, dodging, and lying is that we have no real clarity about how he would rule on major issues. The only clear information that we have on him is his record - but that is a lot of information. Since he was not honest and open at the confirmation hearings, I would suggest that we need to completely disregard everything that he said there, and base our decisions entirely on his extensive record.

Based on his writings and record it is clear that he has antipathy for Roe v Wade. He would over-rule it if he could. It is also clear that he is biased in favor of the government and big business. It is also clear that he shows extreme deference to executive power and was an author of the theory of the Unitary Executive.

First Roe v Wade. Who cares. So what if the government has the right control what a women does with her own body and reproductive organs - to do the effective moral / emotional equivalent of rape to her. George Bush was very clear and forthcoming about where he stood on that before "We the people" allowed him to gain a second term. Many pro-choice women and men voted for him because they allowed themselves to be terrorized by the Osama boogieman. Elections have consequences people. Now we face the prospect of watching 14 year old girls die from back alley coat hanger abortions - but we are getting the government that we deserve. Roe v Wade is no reason to block Alito.

Second, deference to big business. "We the people" knew that George the Second was sold out to big business before we elected him King. So we have nothing to cry about now. Shut up before King George really gives us something to cry about. This is no reason to block Alito.

Third, and finally deference to the government, the executive and authorship of the theory of the Unitary Executive. This is profoundly dangerous to our Constitutional Democracy.

There are polls out which suggest the 70% of the American people are OK with the fact that Bush authorized illegal wiretaps based on the Unitary Executive. They are willing to do that because they are afraid of Osama. OK, I understand the women being afraid, but men where are your nads? If you can't grow any of your own, do what I do, and take testosterone shots for God's sake. Listen, the impotent pissant Osama tragically killed around 3000 innocent Americans. That is about 1 in 100,000. Osama ia less dangerous than walking across a busy street. But, out of your fear of him, you are willing to sacrifice your freedom, your civil liberties, your privacy, your democracy... All of which millions of our forefathers fought and died to protect. Why did they bother? Not only are you willing to sacrifice your freedom, you are willing to sacrifice the freedom of all future generations. I say again, where are your nads? It is time to stand up and fight for the American way of life. It is demand Bush's resignation.

In the extreme form that Bush is applying it the theory of the Unitary Executive is that the president has the power to interpret the Constitution and is not bound by any law other than the Constitution and then only on his interpretation of it. Congress and the judiciary have to defer to the President almost completely. Bush has used the Unitary Executive to justify illegal wiretaps. He has used it to justify crossing his fingers behind his back when he signed the McCain anti-torture bill by issuing a signing statement that says that the the law does not apply to his Royal Himself. Bush has claimed and wants to continue to claim the power to wiretap Americans without any oversight by Congress or the Judiciary. Our founding fathers (mothers behind the scenes), our founding fathers wisely protected us from government spying. They knew that if the government - particularly the executive branch of the government - had an unrestrained right to spy on the American people - that the government would wind up abusing it and would subvert our democracy. so they design a form of government that included co-equal branches of government. Courts supervise the police and agencies with police powers like the FBI and the NSA. The President has executive powers and is Commander and Chief. The congress passes laws that even the President has to follow. Bush is the bad apple that has upset a 200 year old apple cart by claiming that he has superior powers. This is not about war time powers. Bush has formally claimed an end to "major combat operations". Our founders had the nads to know that it was better to risk terrorist attacks, like the assiassination of Lincoln, then to allow the government unrestrained power. If you give this power to Bush now, it will be abused to subvert our democracy - now or in future. Nixon used it to subvert democracy. Bush or some future President will do the same - probably with greater success. Alito was an author of this and he needs to be blocked - if we can block him.

It is time for Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to join together in defense of American Constitutional Democracy and demand that the Unitary Executive resign from power now. There are protest being planned around the country on 1-31-06 to correspond with Bush's state of the union address. There are also protest being planned in Washington DC for 2-4-06. For more information go to www.worldcantwait.org .

Now some excerpts from Ray's Brief Dictionary of Political Buzz Words and Phases:

Bushism (Bŭsh΄-ǐs-ĕm) noun. 1.) An imaginative, strikingly clever and wise saying by President George Bush. As in “We will do, not just what is legal, we will do what is right” – or - “I just want you to know, that when we talk about war, we’re really talking about peace”. 2.) Neurological symptoms possibly resulting from excessive inbreeding. As in: What ism wrong with Bushism’s head?

Clintonism (Klǐn-tŏn΄-ǐs-ĕm) See lie. Noun. 1.) The definition of this term depends on what the meaning of is in ism is. As in: It is what it is – isn’t it?

Common Sense (Căhm-mŭn΄ Sĕnsss΄) noun. 1.) Synonymous with dissembling. As in: Bill Clinton used common sense when he lied about what is is. (in Texan: disassembling). As in: George W. Bush was using common sense when he disassembled the truth about WMD. 2.) A simple concise clear statement of the truth. 3.) A catchy 30 second sound bite about complex highly nuanced issues involving national security. As in: You see… uh… um… thar’s uh… bad people… uh… so… uh… um… we gotta… uh… uh… smoke em out… you see… its uh… just uh… um… common sense – you see.

Communism (Căhm-you΄- nǐzĕm) noun. 1.) Synonymous with the Democratic Party. As in: Those tax and spend Democrats are trying to balance the budget again. 2.) A form of government based on Karl Marx’s theory of political economy. As in: The rich will oppress the poor and working class until the economy collapses under the weight of their oppression and then the working class will have to create communism in order to keep things running. 3.) Compassionate conservatism. As in: George Bush has created a utopian socialist state for the rich by giving them government handouts, no bid contracts, tax breaks, allowing them to literally write their own legislation, and by starting a highly profitable war.

Compassionate Conservatism (Cŏm-păs-shŭn΄-nāt Cŏn-sĕrv-ă-tǐs΄-ĕm) noun. 1.) The application of principals of fiscal conservatism to help the poor and disenfranchised join the ownership society. As in: If we cut off their welfare, they will have to sell themselves into slavery, and we can own them. 2.) A method of creating low wage, wage slaves. 3.) A meaningless campaign slogan. 4.) A friendly conservative. 5.) A virulent and effective type of conservatism that uses insignificant social and cultural issues such as gay marriage to divide and conquer the ignorant masses and get them to vote against their own best interest. As in: We compassionate conservatives are going to create a culture of life by applying the death penalty to profoundly retarded convicts, cutting health care to the poor, and liberating the people of Afghanistan so that they are free to produce heroin which they can sell in the United States and then donate the proceeds to Osama bin Laden.

Constitutional Option (Cŏn-stǐ-tü΄-shŭn-ăl Ŏpt΄-shun) verb. 1.) Meaning to undermine the constitution. As in: Republicans will use the constitutional option to defeat the intentions of the founding fathers to maintain a balance of power between the branches of government and empower minority rights. In so doing, they will shift the balance toward pure democracy which is little different from mob rule. 2.) Meaning that the constitution is optional. As in: George Bush has ripped it up and used it for toilet paper as a result of the Patriot Act. 3.) A brisk walk. 4.) A filibuster.

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