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Thursday, January 26, 2006
  Anti-Bush Bumper Sticker
A guy on eBay that sells Anti-Bush bumper stickers was nice enough to add a link to my blog so here is a link to his bumper sticker ad. It is magnetic and says Proud of America / Ashamed of Bush. I bought one. Just paste this link into your address bar (I am not sure how long it will work): search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=PRO-America%2BANTI+Bush+Car+Magnet+Bumper+Sticker

A little more substantive...
It feels to me as if we are getting scandal fatigue in regards to the Republicans and Bush. I am sure some people have a real life and don't bother to follow these things - but I am burnt out on the scandals... Plamegate... Abramoff... Delay... Illegal wire tapping... Unitary Executive / subversion of constitutional democracy... Iraq... Katrina... Refusing to cooperate with congressional investigation of Katrina... No-bid contracts... Extremist Supreme Court nominee Alito. The list is endless. Which one to focus on? I can't keep track of them all... to focus on one is to distract from the others. I think that our country is in real trouble. President Bush's incompetence in Iraq, illegal wire tapping, and the Unitary Executive have to be near the top of the list in terms of importance.
I was opposed to the war from the start. It was clear at the time that Bush was not giving the UN or inspectors time to work. It was clear at the time that there was real risk of civil war and regional instability. It was clear at the time that Bush was making the same mistake that was made in Viet Nam by allowing civilian leadership to micro-manage the war and not listening to the Generals who insisted that we needed many more troops. It was clear at the time that a "democratic" government in Iraq might well be Islamist extremist like Iran (and like Hamas) and in which case it would undermine America's legitimate national interest in the region. It was clear at the time that Bush wanted control of Iraqi oil for his oil buddies. It was clear at the time that going into Iraq would divert our attention from the real threat Osama. It was clear at the time that Saddam would never cooperate with a religious extremist terrorist. Osama hated Saddam as much as he hated us. Brutal dictators would love to be able to use terrorist - but they need command and control - which is something that you can never have with a religious zealot (like Pat Robertson) - religious zealots march to the beat of a different drum. They are loose cannons rolling around on the deck. There is no telling which way they will be pointing when they go off. Saddam was not stupid. What would Osama do if Saddam had been stupid enough to give him WMD? Think about it... this is not rocket science. Osama is not stupid either. He hates Saddam. He hates the U.S. Lets say just for the sake of discussion that Saddam had stupidly gave poison gas to Osama. Osama would simply bring it to New York... release it in the subway... kill a few Americans... and just accidentally leave a few telltale clues creating a trail that would lead the CIA right straight back to Saddam. The U.S. would then destroy Saddam. WhaLah Allah, two points for Osama... minus one point for Saddam... minus one point for the U.S. Saddam would have to have been an absolute complete idiot to give WMD to Osama. Saddam was no idiot, so , it was always obvious from the very start that there was never the slightest danger that Saddam would give WMD to Osama. It was always obvious from the very start that attacking Iraq would provide a recruitment boost for al-Qaeda.
That said, I believe in playing to win - I believe in winning wars - if we can win - but as Shakespeare penned in Macbeth "doubtful it stands as two spent swimmers that do cling together and choke the art". If we could leave Iraq better than we found it, it would help stabilize the region - that is a big if however, and even if we did succeed the cost of doing so would clearly be counter-productive.
Think about it - our recruitment is down - Osama's recruitment is way up - plus Jihadists go to Iraq and are given the priceless gift of live combat training against the most powerful army in the world. Most of them will die of coarse - but the few that survive - the few that survive are going to be "double plus" tough. Osama does not care how many die. He is a baby killer. The Jihadists don't care about dying. They get to go to heaven and have sex with ninety nine virgins... er... is it seventy seven... they get plenty of good sex. The question now is: Can we even win in Iraq?... or... has the war already become unwinnable as a result of Bush's incompetence?
There is not enough electronic ink in the world to fully articulate Bush's incompetence as a commander and chief... not enough troops to control the country after Saddam fell... disbanding the Iraqi army and sending them home with truck loads of weapons, no job, and no money... not creating a real international coalition in the first place, the second place, or ever... ordering, or condoning, or at least creating an atmosphere that allowed Abu Ghireb and torture... I will not belabour the point. It is obvious Bush is an incompetent commander and chief and whatever slim chance that we had of winning has slipped, or is rapidly slipping away.
The world cannot wait. We must force him and Cheney out of office now. We need regime change. We must force Cheney to resign - much like Spiro Agnew did - be replaced by someone of Bush's choosing - perhaps McCain - and then Bush must be forced to resign. there are protest being organised by www.worldcantwait.net Go to that site - join the protest - force regime change now.
Dear "the godfather"

Thank you for your comment on my blog. I love idiot / inarticulate conservatives that make all conservatives look stupid. Dear Man, I was fully prepared to serve during VietNam but much to my surprise was never called, however my beloved daughter is serving as a combat medic. So, I care deeply about the troops having to serve under an incompetent commander and chief who is the civilian leader of our country. It is our duty to exercise our free speech and hold our civialian leaders feet to the fire. It is how we fight for our troops and try to cover thier backs from being sent to needlessly die in Iraq by an incompetent civial leadership that fired the Generals that said that atleast 250 thousand troops were needed and wanted to send only 50 thousand when 250 thousand were really needed. It is how we try to protect our troops from an incompetent civilian leadership which still has not provided enough armor. It is how try to protect our troops from an incompetent civilian leadership that leaves them in the middle of an unwinnable civil war with no exit strategy. It is how we try to protect our troops from an incompetent civilian leadership that either ordered torture at Abu Ghireb or was criminally malfeasant in allowing it to happen, thereby putting our troops in harms greater danger.

So, you see I get it... I hear you... I understand that you care deeply about our troops in your noble heart and that you are fighting for our troops just as I am. We simply have a difference of opinion about what is best for them. But you see, you don't get it... you don't hear me... you do not understand that I care deeply about the troops in my noble heart and that I am fighting for the troops just like you. We simply have a difference of opinion about what is best for them. And that is the difference between an intelligent Democrat and a stupid Republican. Perversely it is also the difference between an intelligent Republican and a stupid Democrat on those rare occasions when the roles are reversed.
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Location: Flint, Michigan, United States

OK!... OK!... Alright... it isn't really me... but the women like him a lot better than they like me... and... I am a dog... well... dog is my power animal anyway. Actually, he is my wife's dog and I can't compete with him - and that - is why he needs his neck wrung. But she is an acupuncturist and she will poke me with a needle in the worst possible place if I go near him.

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